Our services

Motorway and road construction

We are the leading transport engineering company in the Czech Republic. Our particular focus is on motorway construction as each year we build
and maintain tens of kilometres of motorways all over the Czech Republic. However, our activities reach well beyond motorways. We also build grade-separated junctions, noise barriers, utilities networks, public lighting, road markings and traffic signs.

Our projects

Bridge structures and footbridges

We build bridges for motorways, cities and towns, including bridges
for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and we also reconstruct bridges built
by generations past. It is another area in which we have amassed vast experience. We employ modern approaches that guarantee high standards of quality and safety.

Our projects

Railway and tram tracks

We have extensive experience in the construction and modernisation
of railway and tram tracks and corridors throughout the country.
This includes the construction of tracks, platforms and station buildings, repairs to contact wires and installations of information equipment, including equipment for visually impaired users.

Our projects

Urban furniture

Our company's portfolio also includes the renovation of public spaces.
We build noise barriers, cycle paths, school and public sports grounds, car parks and public lighting. We use state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly technologies in all our construction projects.

Our projects