Our services

Motorway and road construction
We are the leading transport engineering company in the Czech Republic. Our particular focus is on motorway construction as each year we build
and maintain tens of kilometres of motorways all over the Czech Republic. However, our activities reach well beyond motorways. We also build grade-separated junctions, noise barriers, utilities networks, public lighting, road markings and traffic signs.
Our projects
Motorway D11 section between Hradec Králové and Smiřice
The motorway section, stretching over almost 16 kilometres, is the second longest segment to be built as part of the D11.
Jesenice ring road, stages I and II
The town of Jesenice just outside Prague gained a ring road taking all through traffic away from the built-up area.
Velký Beranov ring road
The ring road, diverting through traffic from the town, stretches for 4.245 km.
Otrokovice ring road
The southeast part of the city’s ring road, a part of the D55 motorway, was completed in November 2021.
Chrástecká street in Pilsen
Complete route, roads I/20 and II/231 in Pilsen, Plaská – Na Roudné – Chrástecká streets, phase 2 commissioned.
Road I/58 between Příbor and Skotnice
The I/58 is part of a feeder road to the nearby motorway. The road segment in question begins outside Příbor where it connects to the grade-separated junction of road I/58 and the D48 motorway, which in turn forms a part of the western section of the Příbor ring road.
D35 motorway between Ostrov and Časy, bridge at Uhersko
A segment of 14.7 km in length.
New D3 motorway section between Ševětín and Borek
The new motorway section, 11 km in length, was created by converting the existing I/3 road into a motorway-grade road.
D1 motorway modernisation, segment 16, Velký Beranov – Měřín
D1 motorway modernisation, segment 16, EXIT 134 Měřín - EXIT 141 Velké Meziříčí West.
Grade-separated junction Třebušice
The grade-separated junction Třebušice is part of the overall construction and modernisation of trunk road I/13 (E 442) connecting the major Northern Bohemian industrial centres of Chomutov, Most, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem.
Reconstruction of Přátelství street, Uhříněves
Following the reconstruction, the street was widened by about a metre on either side, reaching the standard total width of 9.5 metres.
Section of D3 motorway between Borek and Úsilné
The new section of D3 motorway between Borek and Úsilné is 3,160 metres long.
New motorway section D1105 between Osičky and Hradec Králové
The D11 motorway is an important component of the country’s motorway network, linking the capital with Hradec Králové and the border with Poland.
Motorway D8 between Lovosice and Řehlovice
The final section of the D8 motorway, 16.5 km in length, was commissioned on 17 December 2016.

Bridge structures and footbridges
We build bridges for motorways, cities and towns, including bridges
for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and we also reconstruct bridges built
by generations past. It is another area in which we have amassed vast experience. We employ modern approaches that guarantee high standards of quality and safety.
Our projects
Dvorský bridge, Karlovy Vary
The new bridge consists of three reinforced-concrete slabs sandwiched between steel girders.
Steel bridge, Vraňany
The new steel bridge of the Langer arch type was manufactured by OK Třebestovice (member of VINCI Construction CS). Its parts were transported to a site near Staré Ouholice where the bridge was assembled and loaded onto a riverboat.
Historical bridge Kuks
The bridge is a designated heritage site. It is designed to carry vehicles weighing up to 26 tonnes to allow for crossings by vehicles of the emergency services.
Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists adjacent to Rosický bridge over the Elbe
The bridge is 115.9 metres long.
Doubský bridge, Karlovy Vary
The new bridge was built in accordance with the design-build principle as specified in the FIDIC Yellow Book.
D1 motorway modernisation, section 11 A – overpasses
The project involved the removal and rebuilding of overpass D1 – 083 at distance marker 86.783 km, and overpass D1 – 085 at distance marker 89.349 km.
Reconstruction of bridge on road II/101, Brandýs nad Labem-Zápy
The original bridge was removed (excepting pier foundations) and replaced with a new structure.
Všezvěd pedestrian bridge
The Všezvěd pedestrian bridge is part of a barrierless connection between Slovácké square and Olšava housing estate.
Construction of Komenského bridge, Jaroměř
The 2013 floods irreversibly damaged the original, historic bridge. It was therefore replaced with a new structure whose piers stand outside the riverbed.

Railway and tram tracks
We have extensive experience in the construction and modernisation
of railway and tram tracks and corridors throughout the country.
This includes the construction of tracks, platforms and station buildings, repairs to contact wires and installations of information equipment, including equipment for visually impaired users.
Our projects
Tram tracks between Liberec and Vratislavice nad Nisou
The tramway line connecting Liberec and Vratislavice nad Nisou underwent major reconstruction.
Tram track reconstruction, Táborská street, Prague
A new tram stop was built close to metro station Pankrác.
Rail track optimisation between Beroun and Králův Dvůr
Modernisation of the rail track enabled trains to travel at speeds of up to 160 kph.

Urban furniture
Our company's portfolio also includes the renovation of public spaces.
We build noise barriers, cycle paths, school and public sports grounds, car parks and public lighting. We use state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly technologies in all our construction projects.
Our projects
Hradec Králové gets a unique noise barrier
Hradec Králové has a new noise barrier, quite revolutionary in terms of the materials used.
Flood barriers at Písek
The project included an installation of a 630-metre seal near Štětovnice.
Cycle path along Nové mlýny opens to public
The new cycle path provides cyclists with a safe, 2.6 km-long alternative away from a busy road with plenty of freight traffic.
Renovation of railway and bus transport hub in Chrudim
The reconstruction included a bus terminal and a rest area.
New sportsground for elementary school ZŠ Havířov 1. máje
The original sportsground was completely replaced with a new facility.
New multipurpose sports facility in Rousínov
The new facility includes multipurpose pitches for football, volleyball, football tennis and streetball. It covers an area of 40 by 25 metres.
Bus terminal, Pilsen
The new bus terminal is part of the integrated transport system in the Pilsen area (IDP).
Parking spaces and public lighting, Hřbitovní street, Náchod
The newly built car park provides ample space for parking.
Spare pitch and facilities, TJ Slovan Spoje, Pilsen
The fenced sportsground includes the main natural turf pitch and a spare, or practice, natural turf pitch.
Renovated waterfront along the Loučná River, Litomyšl
The renovation of the waterfront took place in the immediate vicinity of the city’s historic centre.
Flood protections and revitalisation of the right bank of the Lužnice River, Tábor
The project to install flood protection and revive the waterfront in Tábor won the award for Water management construction project of the year in 2015.
Health and safety centre in Karlovy Vary
The educational centre is a facility that is unique in the Czech Republic.
Access drive to TOMA industrial premises with railway underpass
The new road, passing under existing rail tracks, connects the TOMA industrial complex to a main road away from the city centre.
Sports and recreation facility, Kralovice
Residents of Kralovice can enjoy their new open air pool and inline track.
Transport hub in Marienbad
The modern transport hub considerably improves the commuting comfort both for residents of Marienbad and for tourists and spa guests visiting the city.